
Kyoai Gakuen Junior High School

Kyoai Gakuen Junior High School

Junior High is a unique phase in a student’s life. During this time, students experience many physical and emotional changes that substantially impact their academic growth. Choices made in these years often determine the direction of the young person’s life in high school and adulthood. Our desire is to work closely with families and students during this transition period. Our program, serving 7th through 9th grade with 60 ? 80 students per grade level, is challenging yet nurturing, with a faculty and staff dedicated and called to serve our students.

Academic Program(curriculum)

Our academic program is based on ten 50-minute classes. Students will have Bible, Japanese, social studies, math, science, English, physical education, fine arts, music, industrial art and homemaking and general studies. In addition, our students are especially fortunate to study with one of our three full-time English-speaking teachers throughout their entire junior high school experience.

Events and Activities

In Junior High School, students are encouraged to be involved in a variety of events and activities.

In daily morning chapel, 9th grade students in turn take the leading role as master of ceremony. A school trip to Hawaii further challenges them to develop a global point of view. Camping and hiking trips in the surrounding area allow 7th and 8th grade students a unique opportunity for outdoor environmental education.

Students’ participation is also encouraged in a number of club activities such as Handbell Choir, Karate, Gymnastics, Basketball, Swimming, Soft Tennis and so on.

School Life at Kyoai Gakuen


Our dormitory provides up to 50 beds. The rooms are fully furnished, each with its own study area, and two meals per day are provided.


Travel to and from Kyoai Gakuen campus is easy and inexpensive; the campus is about a five minute walk from JR Komagata Station.

Sports Facilities

Kyoai Gakuen High School has a fully equipped gymnasium including a martial arts hall and aerobic circuit. There are four tennis courts and a rubberized competition-ready track that also accommodates soccer, softball and other extracurricular activities.


A wide range of cuisines is served. Hot meals, snacks and drinks are available throughout the day. Vending machines are located in the cafeteria and on each floor of the main building.



Kyoai Gakuen Junior high School
Office of Admission
1115-3 Koyahara-machi, Maebashi-shi,Gunma 379-2185

Phone:(81) 027-267-1000
Fax:(81) 027-267-1001